
23-24 November 2019

International Winter Conference Toastmasters


23-24 November 2019

International Winter Conference Toastmasters

Toastmasters International Winter Conference in Moscow 2019 is over.

All’s well that ends well. But who said that it’s the end? We invite you to participate in the Toastmasters International Spring Conference in Moscow 2020!

We hunt the leading minds of our times and organize sessions that will change your perception of the world. Subscribe on our social networks and follow our updates.

Unleash yourself

In a world of accelerating change, increasing uncertainty and great complexity it is needed to get the most out ourselves. Hence, it is needed to unleash all our potential and give the best of ourselves.

This conference brings the opportunity to show the best of the best.

Join the event where leaders are made!

Save the date November 23rd & 24th and Join us!

Toastmasters Russia presents the major event of this winter; the long-awaited Toastmasters International Winter Conference in Moscow 2019. Join us for two days of networking and education focused on leadership development needs. A multinational atmosphere with guests from different parts of the globe. This is an excellent opportunity to meet people with the same mindset ready to share their experiences and their culture.

Contestants have prepared their speeches for a long time and their objective is unleashing all their potential in the event and impressing the audience; be prepared!

There will be an opportunity to go through different kind of speeches:

  • Workshops on public speaking and leadership from Russian and International speakers
  • International Speech Contest (ENG)
  • Humorous Speech Contest (RU)
  • Table Topics Speech Contests (ENG, RU)

Besides, there will time to share a joyful time during break times to practise useful networking.

Finally, we will hold our famous after-party, where you’ll see how great the party in Russia can be.


Is it possible to live a limitless life?

Michael Byrne

23.11 12:45


Have you watched a movie called “Limitless” starring Bradley Cooper? I did last year and as a behavioural Change Expert I asked myself “IS IT POSSIBLE TO LIVE A LIMITLESS LIFE?” In the film, Bradley Coopers character, Eddie is facing unemployment, looses his girlfriend and his life is in the toilet. He has poor self-esteem, is lacking in confidence, and just doesn’t have the self-belief needed to get his life in order. Then a friend offers him something that changes his life forever. A pill that enhances mental acuity. A drug that improves the ability to think, to concentrate, to focus, and to better understand the world around him. Instantaneously, Eddie acquires unimaginable and enhanced mental abilities that give him more clarity of mind. He develops superior memory and recall and seems to have an unlimited supply of energy to expend any-which-way he chooses. And what’s more, he now has this supreme confidence and the self-assurance that he needed to be successful. All of a sudden his beliefs have suddenly flipped in reverse and anything he sets his mind to, he believes he can achieve. This mental, psychological and physical state gives him the experience of being LIMITLESS. And that’s, of course, the title of the movie. OK so this is a movie However the important question here is, whether or not being limitless is actually possible? Well, it just might be! First of all, there is “NO MAGIC PILL” or “SECRET”. Instead it requires that you work on mastering five key areas of your life. These areas include: 

– Mastery over your mindset. 

– Mastery over your actions. 

– Mastery over your growth and development. 

– Mastery over the influence you have over others. 

– Mastery over your physical body.

Michael Byrne, FCMI, is a business skills trainer and a specialist in developing and delivering Presentation skills, Sales, Sales Management, Communication, Leadership and Networking skills training. He has qualified as a trainer over fifteen years ago and since then worked with many corporate clients on sales and presentations, conference rehearsals and personal development skills projects. Michael is also a specialist in vocal development techniques and loves helping people overcome their fear of public speaking.

Power of Self Influence

Amjad Ali, DTM

23.11 14:30


All successful people were/are influenced by ‘self’ of others, which is an integral part of any success, regardless of field of work or life. 

However, the real power lies in understanding the capacity of your self belief and strength, rather than what you wish you could do.

In this session you’ll understand: 

– What it means to always be at the giving and receiving end at the same time.

– Who you should collaborate well with vs. who you wish to do so with.

– The importance of your position in life. 

Once you understand these areas, you’ll be amazed how the success will become a simple byproduct of your process of life.

Among all toastmasters in the Middle East, Amjad Ali must be the speaker with the most amount of toastmasters achievements out there: he finished 10 paths (programs) out of 11, some twice, qualified as Proficient Pathways Mentor, he won over 30 triple crown awards, Super Toastmaster of District 105 Award, Mentor Appreciation Award, Golden Quarter Sponsor Award, Area High Achiever Award, and presented in 136 clubs of 24 countries, not to mention all the numerous leadership roles at club, area and division level that he has held.

Theatre-Based Techniques to Improve Public Speaking Skills

Philipp Ivenin

23.11 16:20


Theatre is not just a performance to entertain the audience. It is rich with a variety of acting techniques that could help you bring out that fearless inspiring speaker within you. 

In this workshop, experienced theatre director, Philipp Ivenin, will share some tips that could improve your public speaking skills dramatically. These areas include: 

– How to implement breathing techniques in your speech?

– How to increase your confidence on the stage?

– How to engage with the audience to keep their attention?

Philipp Ivenin is the founder and acting director of English theatre in Moscow called “Enigma”. His theatre runs 5 shows, in which he acts as a director and a playwright. He also runs another business that teaches drama to adults and children in English. Philip started off as an English teacher and professional actor, who has taken part in over 100 different projects, such as cinema, TV series, theatre performances, commercials and others when he decided to alter his career as an actor to pursue his dream of establishing an English theatre in Moscow. In just a couple of years his theater reached today’s size  with over 100 people in his team.

Сторителлинг для бизнеса

Артём Мушин-Македонский

24.11 14:35


Сторителлинг сегодня воспринимают как часть публичного выступления. Это и правда ценный инструмент оратора – но это далеко не все способности историй. Международная Ассоциация Сторителлинга National Storytelling Network развивает сторителлинг в более широком смысле – как инструмент передачи смыслов, объединения людей и исцеления сообществ.
Артём Мушин-Македонский, первый в России член этой ассоциации, на своём выступлении расскажет и продемонстрирует, какой силой обладает сторителлинг в публичных выступлениях и за его пределами, если воспринимается иначе чем «фишка оратора».
На выступлении вы:

  • Узнаете, чем истории отличаются от других форм коммуникации;
  • Увидите в действии технику Phrase That Pays – инструмент, превращающий ваш опыт в ресурс развития для ваших слушателей;
  • Познакомитесь тремя этапами развития сторителлинга.

Артём Мушин-Македонский является основателем Академии Historia, первой в России консалтинговой компании в области сторителлинга, а также:

– Член совета директоров международной группы Storytelling In Organizations

– Первый в России член международной ассоциации National Storytelling Network

– Обучался у ведущих мировых экспертов по сторителлингу, провёл более 30 интервью с экспертами от США до Австралии.

На сегодняшний день Артём обучил более 800 человек бизнес-сторителлингу в открытом формате, провёл более 30 корпоративных проектов с использованием бизнес-историй.

“Колесо баланса” оратора, или на какие волны нужно настроиться, чтобы вести за собой аудиторию

Лариса Зорина, DTM

24.11 12:10


Коммуникацию можно представить как обмен сигналами, волнами, и вещание может происходить “на разных частотах”. Один человек больше настроен на логику, другой на речь, третий на на невербальные проявления и так далее. 

Для успешного влияние на аудиторию оратору важно уметь распознавать на аудиторию оратору важно уметь распознавать, на какой волне аудитория в данный момент, действовать в соответствии  с этим, оставаясь собой. Колесо баланса эффективного спикера включает в себя 4 части (“волновые поля”): Sensus (интуитивное чувствование), Corpus (внешний вид и невербальные проявления), Intellectus (структурированность мышления и ориентация на цель) и Lingua (голос и речь). О том, что включается в эти поля, как это измерить и как совершенствовать свой профиль оратора мы поговорим на мастер классе Ларисы Зориной. 

Лариса Зорина, DTM. Член Toastmasters с 2000 года, один из основателей немецкоязычного клуба Redefluss Moskau, первый DTM в России (2014), первый Area Director (2014/2015). По профессии бизнес-тренер, основатель Лаборатории публичной речи и коммуникации Step2Future, автор игры “Риторический покер”, профессиональный спикер.

Приготовление вкусной речи

Кирилл Гиренков

24.11 15:405


Как правильно готовиться к выступлению? В Toastmasters чаще пишут тексты и ориентируются на задание по Pathways, в бизнес-среде начинают с подготовки презентации в PowerPoint, а следящие за трендами подбирают истории. Ещё много внимания мы уделяем жестам, положению на сцене, голосовым акцентам. Всё это важно, и хорошая история точно украсит любую речь, однако спикер должен при подготовке задать себе несколько вопросов, ответы на которые позволят подготовить действительно хорошее выступление.

  • Зачем  спикер выходит выступать?
  • Что поможет аудитории воспринимать речь?
  • Какую мысль аудитория унесёт с собой?

Ответы на эти вопросы надо искать, не глядя на уже готовый текст, а начиная подготовку.

Жесты и голос будут работать на спикера, если они идут от смысла и содержания подготовленной речи.

На мастер-классе Кирилла Гиренкова мы разберём шаги подготовки, отличающие проходные речи от речей, которые впечатляют и запоминаются.

  • Тренер Лаборатории Step2Future, автор курса по искусству убеждения, соавтор курса по предоставлению обратной связи.
  • Более 8 лет тренерского опыта и публичных выступлений (эффективная презентация, работа с возражениями, клиентоориентированный сервис).
  • Ведущий игр “Риторика / Rhetoric – The public speaking game” и “Риторический покер”, соавтор и ведущий игры “Кто прав?! “.

В свободное от работы время – занят чем-нибудь другим.

“Для меня девизом в публичных выступления служит восточная мудрость «Истина не в словах говорящего, а в ушах слушающего”.”

Клиенты: Renault, Сбербанк, Европейская Гимназия, RED Agency, Актион-пресс, Ростелеком, «Рекитт Бенкизер».

Conference schedule

Saturday 23rd – ENGLISH

10:00 – 10:30Registration desk and welcome coffee
10:30 – 10:40Official opening
10:40 – 11:00Keynote speech
11:00 – 12:30International Speech Contest (English)
12:30 – 12:45Coffee Break
12:45 – 13:40Workshop:  Is it possible to live a limitless life? Michael Byrne
13:40 – 14:30Lunch
14:30 – 15:25Workshop: Power of Self Influence. Amjad Ali, DTM
15:25 – 16:05Table Topics Speech Contest (English)
16:05 – 16:20Coffee Break
16:20 – 17:15Workshop: Theatre-Based Techniques to Improve Public Speaking Skills. Philipp Ivenin
17:15 – 17:45Awards Ceremony and Closing
19:00 onwardsAfter-Party


Sunday 24th – RUSSIAN

10:00 – 10:30Registration desk and welcome coffee
10:30 – 10:40Official Opening
10:40 – 12:10Humorous Speech Contest (Russian)
12:10 – 13:05Workshop: “Balance Wheel” of an Orator. Larisa Zorina, DTM
13:05 – 13:55Lunch
13:55 – 14:35Table Topics Contest (Russian)
14:35 – 15:30Workshop: Storytelling for Business. Artem Mushin-Makedonsky
15:30 – 15:45Coffee Break
15:45 – 16:40Workshop: How to Cook a Tasty Speech. Kirill Girenkov
16:40 – 17:10Awards Ceremony and Closing


Additional activities

22.11 18:00Free walking tour of the city
22.11 19:00Russian-style dinner
23.11 19:00After-Party


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Conference Location

Haldor Topsoe office

Bolshoy Gnezdnikovskiy pereulok, 1-2, 3rd floor

 Moscow, Russia

Metro Tverskaya

  • 23-24 November 2019


Toastmasters International is a U.S. headquartered non-profit educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of promoting communication, public speaking and leadership skills. Founded in 1924, it has over 16600 clubs in 146 countries.

Not at all. This event is open for all people interested in self-development, public speaking and leadership, whether you heard of Toastmasters or not 🙂 

After-Party is an informal celebration on Saturday, 23rd after the first day of conference. It is a time to relax and get to enjoy in-depth conversations with conference attendees and our international speakers.

In order to join, indicate your interest in the registration form. Attendance costs 2000 rub and includes unlimited food and alcohol.

Proceed to the registration to see the current ticket price.

Mark your interest in the registration form. The walking tour is free. The dinner is covered by every participant on the day.

This event is run non-profit and is fully organised by volunteers, which is why we always welcome your help! Mark the areas you would like to help with in the registration form and let’s make this conference a success together!